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Pick up your order from the warehouse closest to you or directly from the APAC factory.

Export of Products

Export of APAC products to the countries of the Customs Union with a 0% VAT, as well as to other countries worldwide.

All APAC products

The group "New Technologies" offers for review the products of the plant APAC: hydraulic lifts, presses, pumps, containers, coils, tire machines
  • Oil injection equipment APAC
    Oil injection equipment
    1773, 1776, etc.
  • Oil drain equipment APAC
    Oil drain equipment
    1803-1804 , etc .
  • Installations for pumping brakes APAC
    Installations for pumping brakes
    1880.E, 1881.E et al.
  • Lubricating equipment APAC
    Lubricating equipment
    1803 – 1804, 1832 – 1833, etc.
  • Coils for distributing water, air APAC
    Coils for distributing water, air
    1732,426 - 1732,430 , etc .
  • Electrohydraulic lifts APAC
    Electrohydraulic lifts
    1496 , etc .
  • Mobile columns APAC
    Mobile columns
    1485W.04, etc.
  • Four-post lifts APAC
    Four-post lifts
    1521, 1527R, etc.
  • Scissor lifts APAC
    Scissor lifts
    1532P et al .
  • Electrohydraulic scissor APAC
    Electrohydraulic scissor
    1537D, 1537C, etc.
  • Lifts with built-in bench APAC
    Lifts with built-in bench
    1531D et al .
  • Lifts for motorcycles APAC
    Lifts for motorcycles
    12541C/12543C, etc.
  • Hydraulic lifts APAC
    Hydraulic lifts
    1541B/1541BA, etc.
  • Semi-automatic machines APAC
    Semi-automatic machines
    1670M, 1670T, etc.
  • Automatic tire fitting machines APAC
    Automatic tire fitting machines
    1672T, 1672T14, etc.
  • Automatic machines (Prof.) APAC
    Automatic machines (Prof.)
    1672GM221672GM22S, etc.
  • Machine tools for trucks APAC
    Machine tools for trucks
    1673T, 1673AT, etc.
  • Wheel Balancers APAC
    Wheel Balancers
    1683OLP25 et al .
  • Wheel balancers (Prof.) APAC
    Wheel balancers (Prof.)
    1681GL55 et al .
  • Balancing machines for trucks APAC
    Balancing machines for trucks
    1681OLPT et al .
  • Laser balancing machines APAC
    Laser balancing machines
    1682GL80PL , etc .
  • Wheel aligners APAC
    Wheel aligners
    1688B , etc .
  • Stations for refueling air conditioners APAC
    Stations for refueling air conditioners
    1700R, 1700D, etc.
  • Hydraulic cranes APAC
    Hydraulic cranes
    1570 – 1571 , etc .
  • Hydraulic presses APAC
    Hydraulic presses
    1650V/1652V, etc.
  • Pneumatic jacks APAC
    Pneumatic jacks
    1549/1550/1549A/1550A, etc.
  • Wheel lifts APAC
    Wheel lifts
    1470, 1471, etc.


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